
Books / 著書・分担執筆

※ underline: lab members

Nakashima Y*, Iwata Y, Ando C, Nze-Nkogue C, Inoue E, Akomo-Okoue EF, Mbehang Nguema PP, Bineni TD, Banaka LN, Takenoshita Y, Ngomanda A, Yamagiwa J. Spatial and temporal resource partitioning of small carnivores in the African rainforest: implications for conservation and management. In: San EDL, Sato JJ, Belant JL, Somers MJ, editors. Small carnivores: Evolution, ecology, behaviour, and conservation, pp: 293-308.
井上英治.サルと学ぶフィールドワーク実習、『現場で育むフィールドワーク教育』(増田研、椎野若菜編)、古今書院、pp. 43-60、2021.
Inoue E. Genetic studies. In: Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K, editors. Mahale chimpanzees: 50 years of research. Cambridge University Press, pp: 625-638, 2015.
Fujita S, Inoue E. Sexual behavior and mating strategies. In: Nakamura M, Hosaka K, Itoh N, Zamma K, editors. Mahale chimpanzees: 50 years of research. Cambridge University Press, pp:485-495, 2015.
Inoue E. Male masturbation behaviour of Japanese macaques in Arashiyama E troop. In: Leca JB, Huffman MA, Vasey PL, editors. The Monkeys of Stormy Mountain: 60 Years of Primatological Research on the Japanese Macaques of Arashiyama. Cambridge University Press, pp: 204-220, 2012.
井上英治.DNAが解き明かす霊長類の繁殖と社会、『生き物たちのつづれ織り』(阿形清和・森哲 監修、井上敬・高井正成・高林純示・船山典子・村山美穂 編)、京都大学学術出版会,pp.186-196,2012.
Inoue E. Male reproductive skew and paternal kin-biased behavior in primates. In: Inoue-Murayama M, Kawamura S, Weiss A, editors. From genes to animal behavior. Springer, pp: 67-81, 2011.
Inoue-Murayama M, Inoue E, Watanabe K, Takenaka A, Murayama Y. Behavior-related candidate genes in Japanese macaques. In: Nakagawa N, Nakamichi M, Sugiura H, editors. The Japanese macaques. Springer. pp: 293-301, 2010.
井上英治. どんなオスが父親に選ばれるのか?-毛をサンプルとしたニホンザルの父性解析-、『遺伝子の窓から見た動物たち』(村山美穂・渡邊邦夫・竹中晃子編)、京都大学学術出版会、pp: 147-166, 2006.


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